PTA News

Newsletter 2-28-25

Hello HMS Community

We hope our Hammond staff are feeling the love today with the bagel bar! We truly appreciate all that you do and to our parents for always stepping up to donate and support. Thank you again to everyone who came out to our Nothing Bundt Cakes fundraiser last week and especially for the staff donations, that was a great surprise!

Upcoming Events

SKATE NIGHT – We’re working on getting a new date for a skate night so stay tuned!

Location: Laurel Roller Skating Center

9890 Brewers Ct, Laurel, MD 20723

SPRING FLING DANCE – Friday, March 28th 6:30pm – 8:30pm

The winter dance was such a success, we’re going to have another one in the spring! This will be a free event again with concessions. There will be links sent out closer to the date for RSVPs (so we can get a head count of what attendance to expect), concessions donations, and chaperones!

Fundraising Opportunities


Support the HMS PTA by buying deeply discounted Hershey Park Tickets! 1-day Tickets are $55 each and valid any day during the 2025 season (regular price is $87.80, i.e. 37% discount!) You can order tickets online using this link: ( OR you can use this google form ( to record your order and send in payment via check to the school payable to 'HMS PTA' with subject line 'Hershey fundraiser'.

Orders close EOD March 23 and tickets will be distributed to families before Spring Break.

PTA Meetings

We hope to see many of you at our next PTA meeting:

Wednesday, March 26th 7:00pm-8:00pm Hybrid – In Person @HMS and Virtual Google Meet To join the meeting virtually, click this link: To join by phone: Dial-in: (US) +1 502-518-3351 PIN: 596 698 094#

How to Reach Us

Have a question or great idea! Please contact us, we’d love to hear from you.

Brian Goodwin President

Molly Fieldsend Vice President

Gina Lamb Treasurer

Kati Moore Secretary